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For people from 6 years of age
Director – Aidas Giniotis
Assistant director – Ieva Stundžytė

Mom – Marija Korenkaitė
Dad – Justas Tertelis
Sister – Justina Smieliauskaitė/ Urtė Smulskytė/ Diana Kamarauskaitė
Brother – Danas Kamarauskas/ Matas Pranskevičius
Belekas – Eimantas Bareikis/ Jurgis Marčėnas

Music – Aidas Giniotis and Jurgis Marčėnas
Scenographer – Laura Luišaitytė
Lighting designer – Darius Malinauskas

Duration – 40 minutes
Premiere – 2022 12 03

XI International Theatre Festival COM.MEDIA:
best COM@ performance.

Everyone knows what the word “yes” means. Everyone also knows what “no” means. Everyone knows what “not right” is, but

what does “YESNO” mean?
Performance “YESNO” playfully invites you to look at some seemingly evident beliefs from a new angle and see that “yes” is
not always good and “no” is not always bad. The little spectators and their parents, accompanied by the enthusiasm of the
creative team, will have an opportunity to experience that the navigation in YES and NO confusion can be easy and very fun!