Musical play-performance based on Donald Bisset’s storiesThe work of the creative team and the director Romualdas VikšraitisStage and costume designer – Ramunė SkrebūnaitėMusic writers: Darius Auželis, Aidas Giniotis, Andrius Kaniava, Andrius Kulikauskas and Romualdas VikšraitisActors:Albertina the Crow and others – Robertas AleksaitisMarme the Cat, Ikar the Piglet, the Elephant, the Queen, etc. – Ilona Balsytė / Neringa Čereškevičienė (1991-1992)Sem the Lion, The Forgotten Birthday, The Milkman, etc. – Darius AuželisJack the Lion, Bach the Dog, The Miracle Well, etc. – Andrius KaniavaThe King, Daddy the Elephant and others – Aidas GiniotisIn the 1995-1996 season, students from Vilnius University also performed in the play:Agnė Sunklodaitė, Darius Petkevičius, Tomas Jagminas, Vaidas Lengvinas, Arturas VarnasPremiere – 1991 07 12