Based on the tales of Miloš MacourekFor people from 7 years of age
Director – Olga LapinaVoice behind the frame – Vladas Bagdonas Stage and costume designer – Renata ValčikComposer – Jokūbas TulabaLighting designer – Darius Malinauskas
Starring:Zuzana – Judita UrnikytėOtilia – Benita VasauskaitėLeopold – Danas KamarauskasKonrad etc. – Jonas Šarkus
Duration – 60 minutesPremiere – 2016 11 20
Director Olga Lapina, who has received two Golden Cross of the Stage awards, and Keistuoliai Theatre actors, through the work of Miloš Macourek, open the door to an extremely fragile and sensitive world – the experiences of a child taking his first steps at school. Czech writer, author of legendary tales about Boniface’s holiday and a hippopotamus that is afraid of vaccinations, M. Macourek testifies in his works that the child’s fantasy is his greatest creative force. The writer’s texts are distinguished by unconventional images, playfully decisions and characters unexpected to the adult eye.
“The Long Break” is a performance not only for pupils, this is a piece for all the people, parents and teachers around them, revealing an imaginative world that is constantly changing in the eyes and thoughts of the child – completely different from what we see through the eyes of an adult. At the same time, it is a performance for anyone who has at least once experienced what it means to step out of their safe and somewhat fantastic world into a big, different and intimidating school life.