Based on the musical revue “Line 1” by Volker Ludwig and Birger HeymannDirector – Aidas GiniotisStage and costume designer – Ramunė SkrebūnaitėMusic – Birger Heymann, Andrius Kaniava, Andrius KulikauskasActors:The Girl – Joana Čižauskaitė (until 2008) / Benita Vasauskaitė (since 2008)Maria, Station cleaner, the Schoolgirl, the Guide, and others – Ilona BalsytėThe Sinew, the Schoolgirl, Aisidora, the Street musician andothers – Viola Klimčiauskaitė / Žemyna Ašmontaitė (2002- 2003)Liolia, the Beggar, the Cheburek Zosytė, the Conservator andothers – Inga Petrauskaitė / Joana Čižauskaitė (since 2008)The Lady, the Gypsy, Rita, the Clerk, the Senior with a bundleand others – Agnė SunklodaitėKindziulis, the Gypsy, the Policeman, the Guide, the WidowSakalauskienė, the Worker and others – Darius Auželis / Vytautas RašimasSieras, the Gay, Mindė, the Widow Elvyra, Demy and others –Vaidotas Žitkus / Irmantas Bačelis (until 2008)Batia, Henrik, the Priest, He and others – Sigutis JačėnasShurik, Slash, the Street musician, the Clerk and others – Andrius KaniavaThe Guy with a hat, the trolleybus driver, the widow Bronelėand others – Aurimas MeliešiusRomka, Freddy, the Smoking Scotsman, the Gay, theKrishnaist, the Widow Jadzė and others – Dalius SkamarakasLive music:Keyboard – Andrius Kulikauskas (until 2008) / Sigitas MickisBass guitar – Aidas Giniotis / Giedrius Kiela (since 2008)Premiere – 2001 03 03