Carlo Gozzi “Raven”Age rating: 14+
Director – Aidas Giniotis
Starring:Cantarella, Dove – Birutė Belada TauterytėPrincess Armilla – Judita UrnikytėSmeraldine, Dove – Benita VasauskaitėThe King, Brother Jennaro – Danas KamarauskasPantalone – Dalius SkamarakasLeandro – Jonas ŠarkusBrighella – Justas TertelisThe King Millo – Mantas ZemleckasTruffaldino – Vaidotas Žitkus
Stage and costume designer – Ramunė Skrebunaitė
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes (with an intermission)Premiere – 2015 04 13AWARDS:Dalia Tamulevičiūtė Professional Theatre Festival – Audience Award
Lithuanian Professional Theatre Festival in Rokiškis “We Play for Farmers” – Audience Award and a Special Award for debuting actor Mantas Zemleckas
Kaunas Theatre Festival “Lithuanian Theatre Spring” – Audience Award
The performance is sponsored by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
“This theatrical tale, which I found in the Neapolitan set Il cunto degli cunti, was rewritten in the form of an old tragedy, incorporating my cheerful, talented masks, which I wanted to preserve for the sake of the people with melancholy, performed a great miracle. The audience was crying and laughing as I wished, and the crowds watched the performances of this tale as if it were not fiction, but the real truth.” (Carlo Gozzi)“I have nothing more to add.” (Aidas Giniotis)