Musical performance for young and old based on Donald Bisset’s fairy talesThe work of the creative teamStage and costume designer – Filomena Linčiūtė-VaitiekūnienėMusic writers: Aidas Giniotis, Andrius Kaniava, Vadimas Kamrazeris, Gediminas StorpirštisActors:Olaiva the Snail, Anabel the Cow, Daisy the Elephant, etc. – Ilona Balsytė / Neringa Čereškevičienė (1991–1992)Ernest the Mole, Beetle Teacher, the Doctor, etc. – Aidas GiniotisSandy the Grasshopper, the Captain, Sem the Rhino, etc. – Sigutis Jačėnas (until 1991) / Robertas Aleksaitis (since 1991)Premiere – 1989 06 16