For people from 6 years of age.
Author of the play – Violeta Palčinskaitė
Director and music composer – Gabrielius Zapalskis
Consultant for the adaptation of the play – Teklė Kavtaradzė
Stage and costume designer – Laura Luišaitytė
Choreographer – Judita Urnikytė
Video projection designer – Aleksandras Zapalskis
Assistant Director – Matas Pranskevičius
Lighting Designer – Darius Malinauskas
Audio Director – Laimis Ižganaitis
Voice – Dalius Skamarakas
Starring: Justina Smieliauskaitė, Eglė Grigaliūnaitė, Judita Urnikytė, Birutė Belada Tauterytė, Aleksandras Kleinas, Tomas Šečkus, Danas Kamarauskas, Ignas Antanas Giniotis, Domas Urbonavičius, Elina Kuprijaškinaitė, Diana Kamarauskaitė, Eimantas Seselskis, Ieva Stundžytė, Karolina Kildaitė, Gabrielė Baubaitė.
Premiere – 2024 09 28
Duration – 1 hour 40 minutes (with an intermission)
I am something that, if you have it, you may think you don’t; and if you don’t have it, you may think you have already acquired it. I am not to be bought, not to be sold, not to be borrowed. I can be big and small. I can be real and fake. But whoever searches will always find me.
“I’m Chasing the Summer” is a play that has been performed in many theatres in Lithuania and abroad, and is a favourite among children and adults. A magical story, which today comes to life in a new way at Keistuoliai Theatre.