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For people from 5 years of age

Director – Aidas Giniotis
Stage designer – Ramunė Skrebūnaitė
Music arrangements – Aidas Giniotis and Sigitas Mickis

Alytė – Justina Smieliauskaitė
Adele – Urtė Smulskytė/Diana Kamarauskaitė
The Translator – Judita Urnikytė
Alius, the Blacksmith – Jurgis Marčėnas
Adzius, the Coach – Dalius Skamarakas/Aidas Giniotis
Boleslovas the Noble – Jonas Šarkus

Duration – 50 minutes
Premiere – 2017 12 02

XXXV Lithuanian Professional Theatre Festival “WE PLAY FOR FARMERS: THEATRE AS THE BREAD” award for the “BEST CHILDREN’S PERFORMANCE OF THE FESTIVAL” and the “SPECIAL AWARD OF THE YOUNGEST SPECTATOR” for the actor Jonas Šarkus for his performance as Grumbler Noble.

This performance is a continuation of Giniotis’ children’s trilogy based on Lithuanian folk motifs. “Jonas the Soldier”, which
first appeared on the theatre stage, “Mykolas the Fisher”, which sailed a little later, and “Juze the Sponger”, which lazily lurked
on the stage, are now joined by “Grumbler Noble”.

Like previous performances, “Grumbler Noble” is a story about a special man with a special name, which became for him a
sign of fate and determined his further life. One day, a prominent Noble which lived in a Lithuanian village realized that his
native land is too small and too bleak: neither houses, nor fields, nor people seem to match his noble origin. The only way out is to go to the wide world and find a decent profession that is appropriate to a person as prominent as himself.