A one-part agitational injection based on the work of Mikhail ZoshchenkoDirectors – Aidas Giniotis, Andrius Kaniava, Ieva Stundžytė,Vaidotas ŽitkusStage and costume designer – Ramunė SkrebūnaitėActors:The Agitator, Kolenkorov and others – Vaidotas Žitkus /Šarūnas Banevičius (until 2013)The Agitator, Matriona and others – Marija Korenkaitė /Benita VasauskaitėThe Agitator, Mordoboevand others – Dalius Skamarakas /Aidas GiniotisThe Agitator, Konopatov and others – Justas TertelisThe Agitator, Kapochka and others – Judita UrnikytėThe Agitator, Kvasina and others – Aldona VilutytėPremiere – 2011 11 18