YESNO: FatherRAVEN: BrighellaTRANSITIONS: ActorMYKOLAS THE FISHER: Mykolas and othersDEAR CITIZENS: The Agitator, Konopatov and others.SUMMERFOLK: RiuminasYELLOW BRICK ROAD: Cowardly Lion, Uncle JeromeJOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT: Naphtali, The Baker (since 2007 m.)THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN: ShepherdsLOVE AND DEATH IN VERONA: Romeo, Peter, Monks, Citizens of Verona, the Escort, the Guard, the ChoirSHOO, DEATH, ALLWAYS, SHOO…: Rimavičius (the Classmate of Andrius) (until 2014 m.)