NIGHT, MOTHER: ThelmaLOVE AND DEATH IN VERONA: Nurse (2005-2006)THE MOUSE ZITA: Mother of Zita (2005)SHOO, DEATH, ALWAYS SHOO: Elytė, his AMotherTHE LAST MUSICIANS OF BREMEN: Inga, Petuchauskienė, the BrideRULE NO. 1, OR IT IS FORBIDDEN TO DREAM ABOUT VILNIUS: Maria, Station cleaner, the Schoolgirl, the Guide, and othersTHE TALE OF THE CHRISTMAS GRANNY: Christmas Granny (until 2003)KING STAG: SmeraldinaPUSS IN BOOTS: The PrincessDR. STASYS, OR THE STATION OF THE RED CROSS: Parrot KorudoKNIGHT OF THE SAD COUNTENANCE: AldonsaLUCKY HANS: Mother, the Queen, the Big GirlTHE JOLLIES OF MICKEY MOUSE: Mick the Mouse, Piglet and others (until 1995)JONAS THE SOLDIER: The Queen and others (until 1995)THE WIZARD OF EMERALD CITY: Dorothy (until 1994)UPSIDE DOWN: Marme the Cat, Ikar the Piglet, the Elephant, the Queen, etc.KONRAD WALLENROD: AldonaONCE UPON A TIME: Olaiva the Snail, Anabel the Cow, Daisy the Elephant, etc.
UPSIDE DOWN: composer