SECRET OF THE MOUNTAIN LAKE: Fisherman, Old Man, The Evil SpiritTHE TURQUOISE MONSTER: PantaloneJONAS THE SOLDIERLUCKY HANS: Father, the Hangman, Shvab, the ThumbTHE WAR AND PEACE OF MUSHROOMS: Lepšis and others.MYKOLAS THE FISHER: Liucifer and others I WENT TO THE STATION: PeterJOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT: Jacob (since 2007)THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN: Doctor (since 2013)LOVE AND DEATH IN VERONA: Peter, Paris, Gregory, Monk, Citizens of Verona, the Escort, the Guard, the ChoirTHE MOUSE ZITA: Cockroach Aloyzas Dzioba and a Dog in a DreamSHOO, DEATH,ALWAYS SHOO…: Andrius Šatas Grandfather, a Cow OwnerMARIUS AND MIGLĖ: Dad of ŠarūnasTHE LAST MUSICIANS OF BREMEN: Leonas Pravalas, the Veteran.RULE NO. 1, OR IT IS FORBIDDEN TO DREAMABOUT VILNIUS: Kindziulis, the Gypsy, the Policeman, the Guide, the WidowSakalauskienė, the Worker and othersKING STAG: PantalonePUSSY IN BOOTS: Third Brother or Count Nobody DR. STASYS, OR THE STATIONS OF THE RED CROSS: The II Robber.KNIGHT OF THE SAD COUNTENANCE: Priest PerezTHE JOLLIES OF MICKEY MOUSE: Mykolaitis the Mouse, Teacher, etc.JONAS THE SOLDIER: Senior Priest, the Matchmaker and others.THE WIZARD OF EMERALD CITY: The Tin Woodman, GeorgeUPSIDE DOWN: Sem the Lion, The Forgotten Birthday, The Milkman, etc.
UPSIDE DOWN: composer