THE WOMAN: RomiMYKOLAS THE FISHER: Lucy, Mother Fisherwoman, Tamara the Witch and othersDEAR CITIZENS: The Agitator, Kvasina and othersSUMMERFOLK: KaleriaMOMMY MOO: The CowTHE TYPISTS: Sylvia PeytonA. IS ANOTHER WOMAN: NinaTHE FIFTH ACT: AdeleLOVE AND DEATH IN VERONA: Nurse, Rosaline, Citizen of Verona, the Escort, the Guard, the ChoirFIVE SNOW WHITES AND A MOOSE: The Merry Snow WhiteMY GRANDFATHER WAS A CHERRY TREE: The Mother, the Teacher, Grandmother TeodolindaSHOO, DEATH, ALWAYS SHOO…: Irena Meškutė, the Teacher of AndriusDEATH OF A JOKER, or WHO KILLED SHAKESPEAREWINNIE THE POOH: KangaMARIUS AND MIGLĖ: Mom of Marius and MiglėTHE TALE OF A CHIRSTMAS GRANNY: Christmas Granny (since 2003 m.), the Star (until 2003 m.)KING STAG: AngelaTHE CLUMSY AND THE SILLY: The SillyTHE SONG OF FATE: FainaDR. STASYS, OR THE STATION OF THE RED CROSS: Monkey MaxiTHE SEAGULL: MashaPICTURES OF A BUNNY: The WomanKNIGHT OF THE SAD COUNTENANCE: AldonsaA PROPOSJONAS THE SOLDIER: The Queen and others (since 1995 m.)